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On with the questions...

1. What is MonadBFT?

2. What is the significance of the 2-chain commit rule in MonadBFT?

3. How are transactions shared among validator mempools to ensure all validators have the necessary transactions when voting on proposals?

4. In Monad blockchain, what is the novel aspect regarding the relationship between execution and consensus?

5. What is the main advantage of decoupling execution and consensus in Monad?

6. What is the purpose of the delayed merkle root in Monad block proposals?

7. How does Monad execute transactions in terms of parallelism?

8. How does Monad manage dependencies between transactions to avoid wasted effort in parallel execution?

9. What is the main advantage of MonadDb's implementation over typical Ethereum clients' databases?

10. Why does MonadDb implement the Patricia Trie data structure natively for storing blockchain state?

11. How does communication proceed in MonadBFT during each round?

12. In MonadBFT, what triggers the assembly of a Timeout Certificate (TC)?

13. How are pending user transactions handled in the MonadBFT network?

14. How does Monad handle the potential issues of malicious nodes or execution mistakes?

15. What is the base level execution strategy employed by Monad?

16. How does Monad handle the potential issue of incorrect execution due to parallel processing?

17. How does MonadDb handle asynchronous I/O for the database?

18.What portability features does Monad offer for Ethereum compatibility?

19. What areas does Monad introduce pipelining and optimizations for?

20. What performance advantages does Monad offer over existing blockchains?